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P.S.123K The Suydam Magnet School for STEAM
Mrs. Donna Stalzer, Principal
Mrs. Andrea Gonzalez and Catherine Martinez, Assistant Principals
P: (718) 821-4810
Chancellor/DOE Letter
for our families
Please read these important messages
from David C. Banks, Chancellor New York City Department of Education

Health and Safety Updates/Actualizaciones de salud y seguridad
Click here for English Due to the continued low COVID-19 rates, there will be an ease in some COVID-19 protocols in NYC public schools....

Update for Families on Outdoor Mask Policy /Política de máscaras para exteriores
This Family Update provides important information about our latest outdoor mask policy. This policy will take effect on Monday, February...

COVID 19 Guidance Flowchart -Early Childhood Guía para familias sobre COVID-19
COVID-19 Guidance Chart (Early Childhood) English Guía para las familias sobre COVID-19 COVID-19 Guidance Chart (K-12) English Guía para...

At Home-COVID Testing before Returning to school
We hope everyone has had a wonderful vacation so far and we are excited to welcome back our student leaders on Monday, February 28. To...

Carta familar
Estimadas familias: Fue muy emocionante darles la bienvenida a los estudiantes a nuestros salones de clases la semana pasada y ver la...

Family Letter September 2021
Dear Families, It was so exciting to welcome students back in our classrooms last week, seeing the joy on their faces as they all could...

Nuevo ano escolar 2021 - 2022
Estimada familia: Antes que nada, muchas gracias. Sé que el último año ha requerido resiliencia, determinación, flexibilidad y...

School Reopening for SY21-22
Dear Families, First, thank you. I know the past year has required resiliency, determination, flexibility, and sacrifices from all of us,...

New Grading Policy for Families
Dear Families, Over the past month, I’ve been visiting schools throughout the city and have felt such a strong sense of community both...

Presta tu voz a travez de la Encuesta de regreso a la escuela 2020
Queridas familias, Espero que te mantengas sano y salvo. Nos dirigimos hacia el final del año escolar, pronto para cerrar el capítulo...

Return to School Survey 2020
June 12, 2020 Dear Families, I hope you are staying safe and healthy. We are heading towards the end of the school year, soon to close...

Instructional Days 6/4/2020 & 6/9/2020
May 30, 2020 Dear Families, Thank you for your continued patience and flexibility in response to this ever-evolving crisis. We are...

días de instrucción el 4 de junio y el 9 de junio del 2020
Queridas familias, Gracias por su continua paciencia y flexibilidad en respuesta a esta crisis en constante evolución. Estamos...

Remote Learning
Dear Families, All of us are living through an unprecedented time as we work to keep our communities safe and healthy in the face of the...
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